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"some of the most amusing experimental filmmaking out there" - Film Threat


It is never misplaced and it cannot be simulated.


Join Vladimir, a Russian former KGB agent, as he investigates what "Big Dick Energy" really means.


Watch Big Dick Energy - an original Alexander Cooper comedy film !  Screening on Vimeo from 16 July 2022!  


Watch it now on Vimeo


Watch it now on Gumroad



Have seen Big Dick Energy

"intriguing...a flamboyant presenter...Each person we meet is larger-than-life..." - Jolly Moel - screencritix


"some of the most amusing experimental filmmaking out there right now." - Michael Talbot-Haynes, Film Threat, Los Angeles


"From the start this film strikes a note of being edgy but at the same time retains and maintains its goal of entertaining the audience. Often when you get a film like this it is either edgy but lacks entertainment value or it is entertaining but without any real identity. Writer Director Alexander Cooper allows the film to feel more improvised and fluid rather than set and generic. 'Big Dick Energy' feels like a throwback and in ways seems out of time. From the visual stylings to the tone of the film it feels like a channel 4 90s late night show but in truth this just adds to its cult appeal. Each and every character adds a little something different and also you could say that take anyone of them out and the film could easily fall apart. Mockumentaries are hard to pull off as they can easily become cheesey and/or overblown. Cooper is ambitious with this project but is smart in how he executes his clever but off the wall concept. Characters like Borat have made mockumentaries more accessible and in ways more mainstream. 'Big Dick Energy' has its very own leading man in Vladimir who himself is well written and developed but it could be argued that having more of an idea of his back story would make him that little bit more engaging but at the same time his oddly slick charisma makes you want to be his friend.Do not go into this film with any preconcieved notions as you will be sorely disappointed. Instead watch with an open mind and follow this collection of characters as they journey to find the meaning of Big Dick Energy." -


"Science or Fiction?BDE is an experimental film shot very much like a mockumentary. It centers around Vladimir(Cooper), former Russian KGB, as he tries to uncover the truth about BDE (Big Dick Energy). In his quest to get to the bottom of this phenomenon he interviews fictitious characters from around the globe.These characters are outlandish; ranging from a female body positive professional fighter to a woman currently in a "looney bin" with some celebrity impersonators, a talk show host and a very attractive scientist thrown in for good measure.In the end, I believe Cooper and their team achieved what they set out to do in this latest Weird Loop installment. The cast, Cooper included, were entertaining and different enough to keep your attention with some of the talent playing multiple roles.Those with abnormally large pick-up trucks, spaceships and especially BMWs... may want to pass on this one. For the rest of us that don't feel the need to overcompensate, it's a fun ride worth checking out." - Shannon Brown, award winning actor and producer, Crown Point International Film Festival


'Big Dick Energy'is an Official Selection of Make Me Laugh Festival 2023 and has been selected as an honorable mention in festival INDIE MOTION Club


Have Not seen Big Dick Energy

"(Director Alexander) Cooper is a FREAK"


"it's polarizing." - August Keller, Film Reviewer


"Love the title!" - Ross Munro, Indie filmmaker/actor in Vancouver



NameSTARmeterKnown for 
Bree Olson



The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (2015)

Jonah Falcon



The Blacklist (2013)

Alexander Cooper



WeirdLoop 3 (2019)

Dan Verkman



Leaf Me Alone (2021)

Monika Mista

Emmochka / Valentina Raketnayakova


The Dormant Truth (2022)

Keith Nahon



Where the Journey Ends (2015)

Monica Vieru



Contra timp 2 (2009)

Abbey Northey

Sophia Natalia Nabavov


Serge DeNimes X Robin S. Boyd: Vultures (2016)

Helena Hayer

Pinup Model


Big Dick Energy

Jess Barnes



PN & Friends (2018)

Elena Konstantinova



Big Dick Energy

Bogumila Bubiak

Mila / Ivanna Haditoff


Big Dick Energy

Dimo Karabaliev

Bin Buffneck


Big Dick Energy

Amanda Hall

Rargot Mobbie


Big Dick Energy

Stuart Arnold

Nerminator / Steven Cheeseburger


Britain's Got More Talent (2007)



Big Dick Energy

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